9) Scrolled images Looking at the sea
Looking at the sea ! Enhanced viewing pleasure with scrolling function.
Image generated using vertical scroller + cropper !
Original image from Pixabay
Image license is CCO Creative Commons
Image generated using vertical scroller + cropper !
Look at the sea
Original image from Pixabay
Image license is CCO Creative Commons
Hello, I am video engineer living in Tokyo,Japan. I've surfed the internet for years. SNS such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr etc.. are using high definition images. Have you downloaded the images and displayed them on the monitor? Most images are larger than the monitor and you only see a condensed version. It's not the image that the photographer wishes to show. The vertical scroller enlarges the image in the horizontal direction and displays an enlarged image. Parts of the image not displayed because of the enlargement are shown by automatic vertical scroll. You get an enhanced view much closer to what the photographer really wants to show, You will be amazed at the difference. Enjoy ! e-mail: kohisend@gmail.com.
こんにちわ。東京在住の映像関連技術者です。何年もインターネットを使っています。Facebook, Instagram, TumblrなどSNSは高精細画像を沢山、使ってますね。画像の大部分はモニタより大きいんです。表示されるのは縮小された画像が多いんです。撮影者が見せたい画像でないんです。Vertical Scrollerは、画像を水平方向に拡大し表示します。拡大で見えなくなった部分は垂直方向に自動スクロールし表示します。撮影者が見せたい画像に近ずきます。相当な違いです。連絡先:kohisend@gmail.com。